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Study Abroad Scholarships

Students rafting

Rider Scholarships

The James P. Bush International Immersion Endowment

This fully funded scholarship for Short-Term programs 2024-2025. Please read the requirements below and email your materials before September 10th, 2024 to the Director of the Office of International Education at

Eligibility requirements:
  • Applicants must complete a 350-word essay stating your interest in the tour, what you feel you will contribute to the tour and how this will impact your learning, both in the classroom and beyond.
  • Applicants must demonstrate significant financial need, you can retrieve this information on your MyRider dashboard or ask financial aid for a printout.
  • Applicants must be a Sophomore, Junior or Senior in good standing.
  • Applicants must have an active application.
  • Strong preference will be given to students with a diverse background.

The Madison Miller ' 21 Study Abroad Fund

This scholarship is designed to support undergraduate students in the Norm Brodsky College of Business who demonstrate financial need, as determined by the Financial Aid office. Recipients of this award are required to participate in a credit-bearing short-term study abroad trip. Each fall semester, a minimum award of $500 will be granted to each recipient, with a maximum of two recipients per year. It is important to note that individuals who have received other study-abroad financial resources will not be considered for this scholarship.

To apply, candidates must submit a 350-word essay to Kim Algeo ( by November 1st following these guidelines:

  • Why are you interested in attending a short-term study abroad tour? (Please include the trip location).
  • Why is traveling abroad important or meaningful to you?
  • How do you believe this gift will impact your continued studies at Rider and beyond?

The Aberger Scholarship

Founded by Rider Alumni, Faculty and Staff who are dedicated and passionate about study abroad. Students who are studying abroad in a foreign language will be given first preference and is awarded to students who are studying abroad on a credit bearing program. Preference will be given to those students who are studying abroad on a semester and summer term, yet applicable to those who are studying abroad on a short term program.

Recipients of this award shall be selected in accordance with the parameters as outlined below:

  • Recipient(s) must demonstrate financial need as determined by the Office of Financial Aid.
  • Recipient(s) must be a sophomore, junior, or senior on the Lawrenceville campus.
  • Recipient(s) must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0.
  • Recipient(s) must be studying abroad through an International Travel program that is credit-bearing.
  • Preference is given to students who have studied a foreign language for the equivalent of 3 semesters, or are proficient in another language.
  • Recipient(s) will be chosen by a committee comprised of the Chair of the Foreign Language Department or their representative, the
  • Director of the Center for International Education or their representative, and a representative from University Advancement determined by the Vice President of University Advancement.

Thailand Study Abroad Scholarship

This fully funded scholarship for the Thailand: A Culture of Mindfulness and Inclusiveness - 2025 short term program.  The recipient shall be chosen by the Director of the Office of International Education, Kim Algeo, by September 30, 2024. 

Eligibility requirements:

Application Criteria: 

  • Must be a Sophomore, Junior or Senior in the Norm Brodsky College of Business.
  • Recipients must have a GPA of 3.50 or above.
  • Applicants must demonstrate significant financial need, you can retrieve this information on your MyRider dashboard or ask financial aid for a printout.
  • Preference shall be given to a student who is an officer in Rider student organization(s), or a Rider athlete, or has engaged in worthy extracurricular activities.

Criteria for freshmen applicants:

Freshmen of any majors who apply for January 2025 Thailand Study Abroad Program may apply for this scholarship by emailing the Director of the Office of International Education, Kim Algeo, by September 10, 2024 their financial-need documents and a 150-word essay about why they are interested in the program and why they deserve this scholarship.


  • The scholarship shall be activated only after at least one student who had applied for the January 2025 Thailand Study Abroad Program received a fully funded scholarship from the James P. Bush International Immersion Endowment. 
  • Partial financial support will be distributed after awarding the fully funded scholarship to one recipient. Equal amount up to the final program cost, to all other students who applied for the January 2025 Thailand Study Abroad Program and any Rider study-abroad scholarship(s) including Thailand Study Abroad Scholarship in the case of freshmen, but are not awarded a scholarship that fully fund the final program cost of the January 2025 Thailand Study Abroad Program.  Recipients of this “partially” funded scholarship do “not” need to meet the criteria above. Awards information will be communicated by September 30, 2024.

The Doris DeYoung Scholarship

The Doris DeYoung Student Travel Award was established in memory of the long-time English Department adjunct, who was interested in student travel overseas and who generously left a bequest to the department. The fund makes available approximately $6,000 each year for student overseas travel for the purpose of study at a university. Applicants should be English majors or minors, and the prospective study should be connected to their interest in English literature or writing and/or in cinema studies.


  • Must be an English major and have completed all gateway courses (depending on their concentrations) with grades of B or


  • Have an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher.
  • Have a clean disciplinary record.*
  • Email Kim Algeo with required documentation listed above to apply.

The Diana Crane Study Abroad Scholarship (WCC)

This scholarship is awarded to a student enrolled in their junior or senior year at Westminster Choir College who will participate in a study abroad experience. Students must have financial need as determined by the Office of Financial Aid.

This scholarship shall be awarded to students who study abroad during their fall or spring semesters only.  It is not available for students who are studying abroad during the summer.  

  • The annual recipient for this scholarship shall be selected by Nov. 15 of each year.   (Since all students traveling abroad confirm their arrangements for a given academic year by Nov. 1, this should not be a problem.)
  • Students must be juniors/seniors at Westminster
  • Awarded during the academic year in which study abroad experience occurs
  • Financial need
  • Financial Aid Office shall confer with recipient's faculty adviser to request endorsement of student selection

The Sylvia R. and Maurice Denbo College of Business Administration International Studies Endowed Fund


This scholarship is awarded to students in the College of Business Administration who enroll in NBCB short-term international travel courses or a study abroad program during a summer session. Applicants must be in need of financial assistance, have a GPA of 3.0 or above and must submit an essay documenting why they deserve this scholarship. Students must submit the essay to Kim Algeo by October 1st.

Student Australia Beach

External Scholarships

James G. Stemler Study Abroad Scholarship
  • Any Rider student that is a member of the Alpha Lambda Delta honor society (they receive an invite in their freshman year if they are in the top 20% of their class) can use it toward any study abroad trip.

Student with Lion cubs

External Funding: National Prestigious Scholarships

Boren Awards

Boren Scholarships and Fellowships provide unique funding opportunities for U.S. undergraduate and graduate students to add an important international and language component to their educations. Awards are focused on geographic areas, languages, and fields of study that are critical to U.S. national security, broadly defined, and underrepresented in study abroad. The NSEP Service Requirement stipulates that an award recipient work in the Federal Government in a position with national security responsibilities for a minimum of one year.

Boren Awards



Gilman Scholarship Program

The Gilman Scholarship Program provides awards for U.S. undergraduate students who are receiving Federal Pell Grant funding at a two-year or four-year college or university to participate in study abroad programs worldwide. The program strongly encourages students to choose non-traditional study abroad destinations, especially those outside of Western Europe, Australia and New Zealand.

Gilman Scholarship Program

Move in Day

External Funding: Other Scholarships


Go Overseas Study Abroad Scholarships

The Go Overseas Study Abroad Scholarship is open to all current or aspiring study abroad students. Scholarships are awarded each year. The scholarship is awarded based on the creativity and analytical thinking displayed through writing samples and/or video submissions.


Ireland Scholarship


External Funding: Summer Programs

Boren Scholarship for STEM Fields

The Boren Scholarships offer a special initiative for STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) majors. The scholarships fund up to $8,000 for summer study (minimum of 8 weeks) for students majoring in the STEM fields.

Boren STEM Scholarship


External Funding: After Graduation


Fulbright Program for U.S. Students

The Fulbright program offers grants to U.S. citizens who are recent undergraduates, graduate students and young professionals to pursue study, research and teaching initiatives abroad. Grants are highly competitive and are typically one academic year in length.

Fulbright Fellowships

Berlin 2

Office of International Education: Scholarship Workshop

Rider's Logo

Scholarship Workshop

Every semester the Office of International Education hosts a scholarship workshop for students interested in studying abroad. Be sure to sign up at the OIE to save your seat.

Scholarship Workshop ppt